They call it the Censorship Industrial-Complex: a malignant blob of intelligence agencies, neoconservative establishment figures, legacy media, NGO’s, multinational corporations and tech giants.
Their latest target was Telegram founder, Pavel Durov. He was lured to France under the pretense of a meeting with French president, Emmanuel Macron and arrested on the spot. The Russian billionaire is currently an open air prisoner; on bail in a country that ecstatically granted him citizenship after throwing Vladimir Putin the middle finger in response to requests Durov hand over the encryption keys to his secure social networking platform. Putin didn't pursue Durov outside of Russia's borders, rather, he allowed the Telegram CEO to operate relatively undisturbed from the United States, UAE and France. However, Putin's restraint could have something to do with Telegram being his military's main communication platform.
Maybe that's why the CIA tried to coax one of Durov’s engineers into sharing info on Telegram’s encryption technology or why FBI agents paid him a visit during a trip to San Francisco.
Until recently the American deep state was in favor of free speech because it benefited them tremendously. They were able to foment revolutions and coups around the world with relative ease via apps like Telegram. There was no longer any need for the tedious grunt work that went into secretly training guerilla armies in the Amazon or blowing an African dictator’s airplane out of the sky. Now they could mobilize millions of citizens with a non-stop feed of propaganda through social media platforms without having to suffer the painstaking cover-up once the job was done. They could depose virtually any democratically elected leader of their choosing and present it in the media as an act of courage carried out by an oppressed population. There would be no further agitprop required since it was the covertly propagandized population themselves who produced the desired outcome.
And as we’ve come to understand about the intelligence apparatus, if you let them camp on your lawn they will eventually move into your house.
When Durov denied the blob’s demands to build a back door into Telegram that would authorize them to bypass the platform’s complex encryption tools, he poked a bear that doesn’t discriminate between friend and food. In prior years Telegram played an invaluable role in their hegemonic conquests, but now they found themselves circling the perimeter of an iron curtain they never anticipated being unable to penetrate. Google, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and others had all folded under the thousand pound paper weights of the US State Dept. Even TikTok bent the knee to a certain extent. Telegram was committed to maintaining its position as the safest and most secure online communication service, which was a tolerable forward facing ethos in the eyes of the neoconservative establishment- as long as they were permitted to peek through the windows.
French authorities have charged Durov with crimes connected to the distribution of illegal content such as terrorism materials and child pornography by third parties on his platform. The arrest and charges had to occur in a country outside of the United States because within the US, social media platforms are protected under Section 230; a law that provides immunity against criminal indictments for content published or disseminated through their portals- in the same way the US postal service wasn't responsible for maiming victims who received packages from the Unabomber. To arrest Durov on US soil would mean serious infringements of constitutional and judicial law- not that either would necessarily deter the neoconservative political engine from doing such a thing, but it could potentially set a precedent that would remove protections from all social media platforms, much of which are still extremely valuable to them and add a ton of horsepower to the American economy.
That's not to say France doesn't have its own motives for arresting Durov. They've lost influence over a number of African nations to Russian backed military coups, effectively cutting them off from dirt cheap natural resources required to keep their country operational at the lowest possible costs. Therefore, visibility of private Russian military comms is something French intelligence would unequivocally appreciate.
In 2016 Wikileaks published thousands of internal emails that sank Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid. She was the clear establishment candidate who would continue the global pilfering enacted and expanded by the Bush and Obama regimes. The Military Industrial-Complex so desired a Clinton administration it worked exhaustively to walk back what was plainly written in emails between staff members that implicated them in a vast array of grotesque political maneuvering. When the blob could no longer contain the torrent of Clinton corruption, they switched gears and focused on dominating the internet in totality- particularly as it related to perceptions of newly elected President Trump.
Donald Trump wasn't supposed to be the forty-fifth commander in chief. That was never supposed to happen. His surprising talent for managing complicated relationships with foreign adversaries was a god send to the American public and the world at large, but was a mammoth tusk in the side of the deep state machine that depends on armed conflicts not only to justify its own existence, but also to impose its will on whichever nations it wants to extort. Trump was bad for the intelligence business, and they countered by sabotaging his administration both from the outside via Hollywood and legacy media, and on the inside through the neoconservative scaffolding that has wrapped itself around nearly all of the bureaucratic institutions.
Many within the machine blamed the email leaks specifically for Hillary Clinton’s catastrophic political disintegration. What they failed to understand was that the leaks were just a starting point for a rapid process of discovery that followed decades of criminality extending as far back as her work on the Nixon impeachment. We learned the true nature of the Clinton Foundation, which functioned as the nucleus of a money laundering enterprise similar to mafia owned casinos in 1970’s era Las Vegas, and the festering underbelly of the Clinton empire was now at least partially exposed- all at the behest of a free and open internet.
9/11 was a wake up call. Interconnectivity allowed us to ask the lingering forbidden questions tugging at the forefront of our minds. We distributed documentaries created on stock editing software and built communities devoted to digging up the truth beneath CIA sponsored mainstream news narratives. Covid-19 was intended to be the fait accompli; the closing act of a nineteen year theatrical production orchestrated by the same hidden cabal who had so effortlessly directed the messaging over radio and television airwaves in decades past. Vaccine passports were a beta test for digital ID’s and central bank digital currencies. Travel restrictions were a soft introduction to fifteen minute cities. We were expected to sleepwalk into the mouth of the monster and slide quietly down its throat. Were it not for figures like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, whose ghosts roared at us from exile and solitary prison cells, many more of us may have found ourselves traveling through its digestive tract. But the internet ensured their distant voices could still be heard, and the spirit of freedom carried us through a barrage of brutal assaults on our humanity.
Nearly twenty years of delicate calibration came undone all at once. The public lost trust in our social, political and media institutions as we realized they were never acting in our best interests- they were always working to keep us unconscious and subdued. The Twitter Files laid bare the blueprint for targeted censorship and for the first time we saw a mechanical view of the nuts and bolts in the machine.
The EU answered with the Digital Services Act. Canada has the Online Harms Bill (Bill C-63). Australia and the UK have enacted legislation that criminalizes “hate speech” in the same fashion. Elon Musk opened the floodgates with his acquisition of Twitter (now rebranded as X) and has become an important luminary in the fight for free speech. Brazil has banned the social media platform and the EU is threatening to do the same. Mark Zuckerberg (or more pointedly, Meta's legal team) recently penned a letter to House Judiciary Chair, Jim Jordan confirming suspicions that the Biden Democrats pressured Facebook into censoring users who shared information contrasting the official government line on a variety of issues. It implies, for now at least, that Meta's CEO is aligning himself with Durov and Musk in defense of our basic human rights.
What's evident is that although the mass censorship conspiracy appears to have its roots in the American deep state, the branches have grown to encompass nearly every country in the industrialized world. Pavel Durov is the latest high profile casualty, but what should alarm anyone in view of the unfolding events is that the borders between these countries are rapidly dissolving through coordinated efforts that stretch beyond cooperation between allies. The vines of globalism are tangling themselves around previously sovereign nations to a degree where it’s impossible to discern one from the other. We are collectively racing toward a future where every modern society will be homogenized under the same tyrannical laws and regulations, making it essentially impossible to escape totalitarian dictates such as the one we’re facing now. There’s something that lives leagues below even the most clandestine state actors, and it’s that entity pulling the levers on some of the most powerful governments the world has ever known.
So now the question is, who or what is in the abyss?
Excellent article. Thank you for writing it.
Thank you. Excellent, as always.