There are stories and images you'll encounter during your lifetime that will stain the fibers of your humanity. This one seared a hole through the tapestry of my own.
A sleeping woman is set ablaze by an illegal immigrant in a New York City subway car. She awakens to find herself engulfed in flames, and in her confusion stumbles to the door then stops and holds the railing.
Her skin swells and blisters from the intense heat. She's a faceless, helpless blob of melting flesh. Her arms and legs move slightly; an involuntary shock response that causes the frontal lobe to stay active long after the mind is gone. Her murderer sits at a nearby bench and watches her burn. His sadism isn't satisfied with the initial results of his barbarism so he stands and fans the flames with his sweater. Her crackling nude torso turns toward him; humiliation and crushing despair radiates through plumes of smoke. She's been assaulted by all the hatred and cruelty of the modern condition in one brutal instance.
Nobody in the busy station comes to her rescue. Instead they raise their phones to record the grotesque act of extreme violence unfolding in front of them; a dying zoo animal consumed by the indifference of a curious crowd.
Virality awaits. We're a society addicted to voyeurism. We've abandoned an existence rich in nuance for a life in summary; our universe condensed into short snapshots of the human experience; climactic events stripped of all depth and context playing on perpetual loop. This is her abridgment; her entire history distilled into a one minute clip of her barbequed body.
Two separate police officers casually stroll past her on the platform. It's as if she's standing at the edge of an outer dimension they can't see. Perhaps this is just the apex of a career spent in tunnels with rats and rapists. They've grown numb to the bewildering insanity that lives beneath the streets of Metropolis. This smoldering woman is the lesser of evils they've confronted down here. If we knew what lies at the margins of our civilized world we'd react the same way.
Her name was Debrina Kawam: a fifty seven year old homeless woman from New Jersey who struggled with alcoholism. She was in a deep slumber on an empty subway car three days before Christmas when her blanket was lit on fire and encased her in a tightly wrapped cocoon of molten materials. She was also a high school cheerleader, a loving daughter and a pancake house waitress; a human life full of traits not captured in her one minute synopsis. In her final moments she was alone; a spectacle to be viewed; the star attraction in a macabre piece of performance art.
The man who immersed her in flames is Sebastian Zapeta: a thirty three year old Guatemalan who had been deported by the Trump administration in 2018 and returned to the United States through the gaps in Joe Biden’s southern border.
Left wing news networks went silent when video of the charred figure began making the rounds on social media. It wasn’t until the horrific images ripped across millions of timelines that they reluctantly covered the story- with initial claims that a woman had randomly “caught fire” on the subway. By that time surveillance video, and clips from the apathetic audience, had confirmed what they knew to be true but refused to address: the man responsible was Latino and more than likely undocumented. This inconvenient fact flew in the face of a narrative they’d spent the last four years constructing at the behest of their intelligence-linked NGO allies and billionaire overlords like George Soros. As viewership dwindled they became advertisers for suspiciously well-funded activist groups, and as part of that union were tasked to toe a line on illegal immigration that painted a picture of desperate refugees in search of freedom. Any news or events that countered this anecdote were quickly swept into a dark corner where the names of people who’d been maimed by violent non-citizens were quickly forgotten.
Democrats were conspicuously quiet for the same reasons. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who on numerous occasions loudly declared her solidarity with millions of foreigners crossing the US border seeking what she termed as “asylum”, and even posed for a photo op crying tears of rage through a chain link fence that sequestered an alleged migrant camp- which many who were present have argued was actually an empty road or parking lot- avoided all questions related to the alien-fueled inferno. It seems the inevitable had finally occurred and the winding maze of leftist logic was no longer available to her.
The lionizing photo ops have disappeared. There are no more parking lots to scream at.
Debrina Kawam isn’t the first casualty of the left’s castaway crisis. There’s a long list of less publicized names who met the sharp end of the Democrats’ immigration spear. Laken Riley was murdered by a Venezeulan man after a failed rape attempt, Jocelyn Nungaray was raped and murdered by two Venezuelan men, Rachel Morin was raped and murdered by a Salvadoran national and Ruby Garcia was murdered by her boyfriend, a Mexican citizen, who was deported by Trump in 2020 and re-entered the United States under Biden. These are just the few who caught the attention of legacy media in 2024. We don’t know how many others were deliberately skipped over for the sake of political preservation or had the misfortune of disappearing in small counties the mainstream doesn’t care about. What’s obvious to those with the faintest trace of a conscience is that one is too many, and as long as the deluge flows, apartment buildings will continue to fall under siege to Venezuelan gangs, inner city neighborhoods will explode into warzones and the bodies of innocent- mostly female- victims will pile up.
The classical story of the tired, hungry and poor arriving in the land of prosperity has been weaponized by left wing parties and utilized as a political cudgel against conservative detractors for nearly a century, and was generally true until hybrid warfare became the modus operandi for adversarial nations. Now this “dreamer” pretext runs cover for liberals importing slave labor on behalf of corporate donors to undercut western workers, and is a primary method of attack for terrorist groups, hostile foreign regimes and organized crime cartels- sometimes working in tandem- to not only place agents within our borders, but also subvert and fundamentally transform our societies. The west’s DEI cultural revolution was a direct product of this strategy and was ferried in through institutions connected to globalist networks who themselves are disproportionately influenced by China and even proudly announce their admiration for the communist Chinese model of governance.
Donald Trump has vowed to deport millions of illegal immigrants and special interest aliens within months of his second term as president. But the question now is, how will he locate such a vast number of people who have slipped into obscurity? The most dangerous offenders will have undoubtedly acquired fraudulent paperwork and inserted themselves into areas where they can operate undetected. In Canada the Conservatives, should they successfully thwart China's attempts to steer our upcoming general election into another eco-dystopia, will be up against swarms of rabid metropolitan liberals who still haven't received the message that our experiment in Marxism was a dramatic failure. All attempts to deport immigrants who entered our country under a false pretense will be met with accusations of racism and xenophobia from our staunchly left wing media, and trigger protests in our urban centers- which despite having the loudest wails only represents a small fraction of our actual population.
They’ll call it an indictment of the practices that established and made our countries great in the first place, but in my community, and I assume many others, it’s the immigrants who are most disgusted by the Trudeau Liberals and Biden Democrats’ open border policies. They were the ones who had to pay thousands of dollars in fees, suffer through mountains of paperwork and extensive background checks to be granted the same rights as their neighbors. They had to prove their allegiance to the principles and values our nations purport to uphold while others are fast-tracked to a status they fought so hard to achieve. Now they have to watch the people and chaos they deliberately left behind land on their doorsteps. It’s the “E” in DEI at full speed, and it’s the reason why Indian-Canadians, much like Latino-Americans, are migrating to the center-right en masse.
There is no one-size-fits-all cure. The destabilizing force of large scale human trafficking has already fractured the foundation of our societies and paralyzed our systems. When Justin Trudeau proudly declared Canada the world's first post-national state, this is what he envisioned, and although Joe Biden was never conscious enough to make the same proclamation, the hidden bureaucrats turning the wheels in the machine behind him were geared toward the same outcome. Restoring the national identities of these two similar yet uniquely different countries is going to require a mighty effort, and I fear it may take a number of scorched corpses to get there.